Category: Today on Arxiv

  • Modeling beam propagation in a moving nonlinear medium

    Modeling beam propagation in a moving nonlinear medium

    Fully describing light propagation in a rotating, anisotropic medium with thermal nonlinearity requires modeling the interplay between nonlinear refraction, birefringence, and the nonlinear group index. Incorporating these factors into a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation and fitting them to recent experimental results reveals two key relationships: the photon drag effect can have a nonlinear component that…

  • Photon Number-Resolving Quantum Reservoir Computing

    Photon Number-Resolving Quantum Reservoir Computing

    Neuromorphic processors improve the efficiency of machine learning algorithms through the implementation of physical artificial neurons to perform computations. However, whilst efficient classical neuromorphic processors have been demonstrated in various forms, practical quantum neuromorphic platforms are still in the early stages of development. Here we propose a fixed optical network for photonic quantum reservoir computing…

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